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Editor's Note: “Weather” or Not To Eat Healthy

 Time:2016-08-04 15:21:58  Source:Food Insight  

Recent years have brought heightened interest and simplified messages about weather and the climate. There’s the “polar vortex,” which was especially brutal to those of us in the eastern United States. Then there’s the controversial “Arctic death spiral” and the also controversial practice of naming winter storms, similar to hurricanes.

Now we’ve added “heat dome” to our lexicon. It’s similar to the one that cut off the people of Chester’s Mill from the outside world and plunged their town into chao, violence, and lawlessness, but less pleasant. Not to be parochial again, but it’s tough to describe the misery it is wreaking here in D.C.—temps soaring to 100 or above with high humidity and higher heat indexes. My air conditioning, and my dog’s ability to pant, are being tested like never before.

Needless to say, the vicissitudes of weather at any time of year can be problematic, tempting us to hole up in climate-controlled locations, and also maybe consume a little more food than we otherwise might.

Yes, it might take a little effort, but as I’ve tried to add healthier eating patterns and more physical activity into my own life in recent months, it has been more than worth it. I have slept better, I’ve felt stronger and more energetic, and my self-esteem has improved. So I try to remember all of that when scorching temperatures make the prospect of a trip to the gym or to the grocery store to stock up on healthy foods seem like a death march (especially when you don’t own a car).

I hope that no matter where you are, no matter the weather, you’re also striving toward variety, balance, and moderation in your diet and lifestyle. Even small positive changes add up, and they can encourage you to do even more!

This month’s Food Insight newsletter has plenty for you to chew on about fun, delicious, and healthy recipes that are easy to cook and afford; nutrition labels on beer; tips for healthy eating during pregnancy; and even how during this political season Americans’ attitudes about food are split along ideological lines.

Oh, and if you’re one of the millions of people who are caught up in the Pokémon GO hysteria, you might like our own take on how to “catch ’em all”—all of your critical nutrients, that is.