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CFDA: Products That Claim to be Pure Green Will Be Punished

 Time:2017-03-01 16:27:01  Source:Xinhua  

The state food and drug regulator recently released a document on punishing illegal conducts on food safety, and open to public opinion for the draft.
The draft says that any food ads that promote the product to be "pure green", "not polluted “or any other words that exaggerate the product's feature, will be punished for fraud. Those non-GMO food products which claim to be GMO food will also be punished for false advertisement.
Six kinds of fraud, including those products promote to be "pure green" or "not polluted" will have the person who is responsible for the product to be fined with over 10,000 yuan and less than 30,000 yuan. Other punishment measures will also be applied to the relevant personnel.
 The draft also says that those which conduct fraud will have their names and info recorded into the credit record of food safety.